Ending Homelessness in San Diego
Over the years, so many of our clients have come to us in dire financial situations and in desperate need for housing. We have been working with local shelters and organizations for a decade now, and strive to make sure that our clients do not end up on the streets while they wait for their benefits. If you, or someone you know, is in immediate need for housing, please look at our list below for assistance.
The Pursuit of Social Security Benefits in A Culture of Denial
In the recent months, high denial rates among those applying for Social Security benefits has been the topic of immense concern. Investigations into denials of specific cases have caused some to call the Social Security Administration’s strategies a “culture of denial.”
COVID19 Related Changes and How they Can Impact Your Disability Claim
SSA has not significantly slowed down in their processing of disability cases due to COVID19. Even when offices are closed, staff is working remotely and reviewing cases. Hearings are being held by phone. For the most part, things are continuing as usual.
An Update on the Increasing Backlog of Social Security Disability Cases
Recently the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, Michael Astrue, commented on eliminating the backlog and expediting cases for those Americans in need of disability benefits. He stated that it was the Administration’s “moral imperative” to find some solution. Commissioner Astrue has been actively testifying before Congress on decreasing the large backlog of cases awaiting hearings.
Social Security Benefits in America
Almost a decade ago, Michael J. Astrue, the Commissioner of Social Security at the time, released the Administration’s Strategic Plan, coined “Social Security Benefits America.” The five-year plan noted the challenges that the Administration faced and identified the course of action that had been planned to meet those challenges. How has the Administration done in terms of meeting those goals? The answer is: not well.
The Disabling Interaction of Pain and Depression
Although it is commonly known in the professional mental health community that symptoms of depression include body pain, researchers have been finding that individuals diagnosed with chronic pain syndrome often feel more intensified pain if they concurrently have depression.
Our Thoughts
A space to discover, discuss and reflect on useful information about the disability process.

Start your journey
Contact us today to discuss your disability case. We are ready to assist you every step of the way.